
10 Advanced Excel Tricks for Accurate Financial Projections


Jul 19, 2023

5 min


Jul 19, 2023

5 min

Financial projections are vital for any business. They help you plan for the future, make strategic decisions, and impress investors. Microsoft Excel is an essential tool for creating these financial forecasts, but to get the most accurate projections, it's crucial to know some advanced tricks. In this blog post, we'll share ten advanced Excel tricks to help improve your financial projections, and we'll also explore how the Monkeymetric Excel add-in can streamline your data import process and reduce errors.

Advanced Excel Tricks for Accurate Financial Projections

  1. Use the FORECAST Function: This Excel function uses linear regression to predict future values based on historical data.

  2. Leverage the TREND Function: TREND can extend a linear trendline in your historical data to forecast future points.

  3. Master the NPV and IRR Functions: These help calculate the Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return of your investments, which are essential for investment appraisals and financial projections.

  4. Implement the PMT Function: This can calculate loan payments, useful when projecting costs related to business loans or credit.

  5. Utilize Conditional Formatting: This can highlight specific trends or outliers in your data that might affect your financial projections.

  6. Create Scenarios with Data Tables: Data tables allow you to create different scenarios and observe how changes in input variables affect your projections.

  7. Employ the Goal Seek Function: Goal Seek can adjust an input value to achieve a desired outcome, helping you plan to meet financial targets.

  8. Apply the INDEX MATCH Combination: This combination is more flexible than VLOOKUP when pulling specific data from a large dataset.

  9. Use Pivot Tables for Data Analysis: Pivot tables can help summarize and analyze large datasets, giving you the insights needed to make accurate projections.

  10. Create Dynamic Charts for Data Visualization: Dynamic charts update automatically as data changes, keeping your financial projections up-to-date.

While these tricks can help make your financial projections more accurate, they require reliable data, which is where Monkeymetric comes in.

Streamlining Data Import with Monkeymetric

Monkeymetric is an Excel add-in designed to help you import your business data directly from your bookkeeping and HR software, right within Excel. This has two significant advantages:

Time Efficiency

Traditional methods of data import can be time-consuming, requiring multiple steps to transfer data from your software to Excel. Monkeymetric eliminates these steps, saving time and allowing you to focus more on financial projections.

Reduced Errors

Manual data handling can lead to errors that impact the accuracy of your projections. Monkeymetric reduces the risk of such errors by automating the data import process, ensuring your financial projections are based on accurate and reliable data.


Excel's advanced features can greatly improve the accuracy of your financial projections. Combining these with Monkeymetric's streamlined data import process, you can create more accurate and reliable financial forecasts in less time and with fewer errors. It's time to take your financial projections to the next level with these advanced Excel tricks and the power of Monkeymetric.

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