
Coming Soon: Monkeymetric's Excel Template for Annual Financial Budgeting


Jul 26, 2023

4 min


Jul 26, 2023

4 min

Budgeting is a fundamental aspect of any business's financial management, guiding decision-making and shaping the company's future. One of the most commonly used tools for this process is Excel, renowned for its flexibility and powerful data analysis capabilities. At Monkeymetric, we are excited to announce that we are soon launching an Excel template designed specifically for annual financial budgeting. This blog post will provide a sneak peek into the upcoming template and discuss the benefits of using Monkeymetric, our Excel add-in that boosts efficiency and reduces errors in data handling.

Sneak Peek into Monkeymetric's Budgeting Excel Template

Our upcoming budgeting Excel template is designed with user-friendliness and accuracy in mind. It will allow you to create comprehensive financial budgets, incorporating income, expenses, cash flow, and more, all in one place. The template will feature:

  • Pre-Defined Sections: The template will have clearly defined sections for different categories of income and expenses, making data entry straightforward and organized.

  • Automated Calculations: Complex calculations like projections, percentage changes, and variances will be automated, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

  • Visualizations: The template will include dynamic charts and graphs that update as you input data, offering visual insights into your financial performance.

  • Comparative Analysis: You'll be able to compare your budgeted figures against actuals, allowing for effective tracking and management of your financial goals.

While this budgeting template is a powerful tool on its own, it becomes even more potent when used with Monkeymetric, our Excel add-in.

Amplify Your Budgeting with Monkeymetric

Monkeymetric is an Excel add-in that allows for seamless data import from your bookkeeping and HR software into Excel. Integrating it with our upcoming budgeting template offers two significant advantages:

Time Efficiency

Typically, getting your financial data into Excel involves manual export, conversion, and import processes, which can be time-consuming. Monkeymetric bypasses these steps, enabling you to import your financial data directly into the budgeting template. This time-saving feature allows you to focus more on planning and analyzing your budget.

Reduced Errors

Manual data handling can lead to errors, which could distort your budget and lead to misguided financial decisions. Monkeymetric automates the data import process, significantly reducing the chances of such errors, ensuring that your budgeting is based on accurate and reliable data.


The combination of our upcoming Excel budgeting template and the Monkeymetric add-in offers an efficient and accurate solution for your annual financial budgeting needs. Stay tuned for the launch of our budgeting template, and in the meantime, streamline your data import process with Monkeymetric. Elevate your budgeting process to new heights of efficiency and accuracy.

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